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ABOUT Super Immigrant


Not your typical fashion brand.
Wear a vision, not a product.



Immigration is the most prominent issue in America and the World right now.


Enter SUPERIMMIGRANT (SI), an innovative apparel & accessories company that urges the world to remember people's greatness. Our mission is to open minds and hearts on behalf of the great citizens of the world.


SI merges fashion with social action to positively impact both super immigrants and their welcoming countries. We aspire to turn anger and indifference into solidarity so we all can create a better economy & society together.


All our designs have a positive, feel-good quality while still remaining stylish and fashionable.



Why Should You Wear SI?


SUPERIMMIGRANT (SI) is the brand for great citizens of the world and their supporters.


  • Every time you wear an SI apparel/accessory, you help reshape the world's vision on immigration for the better.

  • Through wearing SI's apparel & accessories, you shine the light on where we all come from, so solidarity can replace anger and indifference.

  • For all apparel & accessories you purchase, 10% is donated to recognized organizations who increase documented immigrants' chances for success in their new countries.    


Join us in creating a world where super people of all cultures unite and see how we are designing fashion differently.



Tell Me More About Your Community:


We offer a safe platform, inspiration & support through our powerful community, podcast, and multiple other free resources.



But What is "a SUPER IMMIGRANT" Exactly?


If you are currently making a positive difference around you, no matter where you come from, no matter where you live, in big or small ways,  then you are one of us. Have you checked our pledge?


Examples of Super Immigrants: America Ferrera (actress), Albert Einstein (physicist), Halla Tómasdóttir (B Team's CEO), Bruce Willis (actor), Hamdi Ulukaya (Chobani's CEO), Khadija Gbla (human rights activist), Sundar Pichai (Google's CEO), Larissa Martinez (student), Elon Musk (founder of SpaceX and Tesla), Jill Ellis (soccer coach), Pierre Omidyar (founder of eBay) or Martina Navratilova (tennis player). You?



What is SUPERIMMIGRANT's vision?


To unify all people wanting to better their lives and the world around them.



Words from our CEO & Creator...


Hi there or bonjour :)


When you hear the word "immigrant," what comes to your mind?

> If you're like most people, you probably thought of: foreigners, poor, illegal, and not one of us.


Now, when you hear the word "super immigrant," what comes to your mind?

> Your response is most likely far more positive, including words like: success, dreams, power, hard worker, resilient, dynamic, and courageous.


Therefore, I propose a NEW word.


Welcome to the world of SUPERIMMIGRANT (SI)

When you hear the word "immigrant," what comes to your mind

My name is Armelle and I am an immigrant who loves and respect both my countries. The U.S. gave me opportunities that I never found in my birth place. My birth country, France, gave me my style and my "Joie de Vivre." Without both nations, and all the extensive traveling I did around the world in between, I wouldn't be here talking with you today.


SUPERIMMIGRANT is my contribution to the lives of other fellows immigrants around the world. I know how it feels. I know what it takes to leave a country you love to start from scratch in a new land. Leaving politics and activism to other organizations, I wondered how we could bring lightness and positive awareness to a quite heavy topic.


While many politicians and media focus on the negativity of some human’s poor behaviors, SuperImmigrant wishes to shine the light on all the great people who are moving our world forward. Some are well-known, some work in the dim, but they are all equally essential to the well-being of the present and future of our planet.


That is how the brand SUPERIMMIGRANT is born. It's a tribute to being a great human being, a great citizen, no matter where you live now, no matter where you come from.


Nowadays, it is people and businesses, not governments, that are in the best position to make a change. It’s up to us – you, me and all of us. We are the ones who can create the loving world we dream of.


Using inspiring fashion, let's take it to the street in a positive, peaceful but powerful way to change immigration's image & outcome.


Being universal is far greater than being confined in a box.


Thank you for wearing our visionary brand and spreading the word. 


Thanks to YOU, things can change.







You can order any of our Apparel & Accessories at any time of the day or night.


How cool is that?

CEO - FR Logo.jpg

Armelle Cloche - Creator & CEO

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